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our offer for leaders and coaches

At Neurate, we drive leadership development through a fusion of neuroscience and psychology, empowering leaders to redefine their paths. Our distinctive methodology challenges assumptions and cultivates enduring transformation by leveraging insights on behavioral change. We deliver a range of services including executive and team coaching, workshops, and bespoke leadership development programs. In the case of neurodivergent leaders, our offer an in-depth understanding of the unique profile they have and tailored support. For executive coaches, we offer both individual and group supervision. Our specialization lies in crafting services tailored for C-suite executives within multinational corporations, with an emphasis on the finance and technology sectors. We provide services in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Croatian.


Leadership coaching

Individual coaching goes deep to the heart of the issue to unlock a leader’s capacity to connect, decide, and inspire. Our approach brings radical clarity, frees up energy, and creates a tangible action plan by applying practical tools and frameworks. It’s particularly suited for leaders looking for an in-depth transformation.

We offer specialized screening and coaching support for neurodivergent leaders. If you know or suspect you are neurodivergent, we’ll help you understand how your unique brain works best and create a tailored and practical development plan. Screening is done online by our partner Optimum.

Packages are flexible and tailored to your needs. A typical package consists of 6-12 sessions, delivered every 4-8 weeks, starting with a longer deep dive session, and 3-way calls to align with the line manager and/or the people team.  Coaching is online with optional in-person sessions.  We offer ongoing email support between sessions.


Team and group coaching

Our team coaching is designed to catalyze growth and synergy within your organization by leveraging the combined power of neuroscience and psychology. Through a deep understanding of team dynamics and systems, we provide invaluable insights, challenge assumptions, and foster constructive dialogue among team members.

By integrating principles from neuroscience and psychology, we illuminate the intricacies of individual profiles within the team context. This approach enables us to identify strengths and areas for development at both the individual and collective levels. Through this holistic understanding, we empower teams to capitalize on their unique strengths and differences, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Through our team coaching process, we cultivate a culture of collaboration, clear communication, and continuous learning within your organization. By helping individuals understand their unique profiles and how they contribute to the team’s dynamics, we empower teams to maximize their collective potential and drive sustainable growth. This in turn allows them to become a high-performing team and that drives success for the organization. 


Executive assessments

We offer in-depth leadership  assessments. Assessing hundreds of leaders across a wide range of industries helped us distill a developmental, transparent approach, while building rapport and a nuanced understanding of personality.

It involves a 3,5 h in-depth assessment with the leader, where we hear your career journey and life’s story, coupled with understanding psychometrics to create a multi-dimensional, accurate, and nuanced view of your leadership. We provide a written report outlining key themes of your leadership, along with suggestions for development. This is followed up by a debrief coaching call to help you craft an actionable and specific development plan. The process involves a briefing and debriefing call with relevant stakeholders.

In case you want to understand the unique profile of your brain, and if you have elements of neurodivergence, we can offer screening for neurodivergence as a part of the process, in partnership with Optimum. The outcome will inform the assessment and development plan. 



Signature workshops and development programmes

We offer tailored and highly engaging workshops that bring a fresh, research-based approach to core leadership topics.

Our workshops cover essential leadership areas such as strategic thinking, influencing, collaboration, empowerment, burnout, and stress management. Each session is carefully crafted to be interactive and dynamic, ensuring maximum engagement and creating measurable shifts in participants’ perspectives and behaviors.

In addition to our workshops, we also offer development programs that provide a comprehensive learning experience. These programs are a tailored blend of workshops, team and individual coaching, peer coaching, and practical learning sessions. This holistic approach ensures that participants not only gain theoretical knowledge but also have the opportunity to apply and integrate their learning into real-world situations.

Furthermore, we offer tailored workshops to meet the specific needs of neurodivergent leaders, ensuring that everyone has access to valuable learning experiences that cater to their unique strengths and challenges.


Supervision for executive coaches

Supervision is vital in helping coaches provide top-notch support to their clients while also ensuring personal growth and professional vitality.

As coaches, we often work independently, making supervision a crucial resource for creating a safe and reflective space to explore our coaching experiences. Our supervision sessions offer a chance to deepen your coaching skills through collaborative inquiry, where key aspects of your practice can be examined without judgment, fostering greater awareness and learning.

Supervision serves as a supportive environment where you can bring up any coaching-related topic, from specific client cases to broader themes that impact you as a coach. Together, we’ll focus on your development as a coach, ensuring you can deliver the highest level of service to your clients while broadening your views.  

we offer as well specialized support for coaches working with neurodivergent clients. Our supervision program includes tailored guidance and strategies to help you effectively support neurodivergent leaders. Understanding their unique needs is essential for creating inclusive and impactful coaching experiences, and offers you a safe space to deepen your practice.

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