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7 Tips From Neuroscience For CEOs

7 Tips From Neuroscience For CEOs

The brain excels at spotting threats in our environment, but to enable a fight-or-flight response, it shuts down the part of our brain we usually engage to strategize, innovate and integrate. Here’s how to fix that. While many of us are used to managing stress...
How to stay consistenlty motivated

How to stay consistenlty motivated

Once upon a time, the Devil decided to hold a sale for the tools of his wicked trade. He carefully presented and priced his weaponry of Jealousy, Hate, Anger, Revenge, Bitterness, Fear, and so on. However, the tool that had the highest price was the smallest and the...
Why do we procrastinate?

Why do we procrastinate?

pro-, meaning “forward”, and crastinus, meaning “of tomorrow”. Procrastination is a very prevalent and detrimental failure of self-regulation. It can be defined as irrational postponing of important tasks characterized by a lack...